Friday, December 11, 2009

Complete Chapter 1 Review on page 9

1)Complete Chapter 1 Review on page 9 (including Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7, and Chapter Concepts 1-8).
2) Post to blog.


1. A.D.,B.C.- after death and before christ.
2. evolution - the theory that god didnt create the universe; it happened in the big bang.
3. government- a group of a large group.
4. sovereign- that is, god has supreme group over all nations, rulers, and indiviuals.
5. Deluge- the flood or after the flood.
6.Capital punishment- God established civil government by ordering the death penalty for murder.
7. postdiluvian- post-flood.
8. plain of shinar- where noah's ark had come to rest and settled in lower mesopotamia.
9. babel- city of old babylon.
10. humanism- the worship of man.
11. nation- is a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act as a single enity.

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