Thursday, August 20, 2009

a. Fact 1 - Iraq is dominated by which 2 rivers? tigers and euphtes
b. Fact 2 - Rocky deserts cover about what percent of the land? 40
c. Fact 3 - Are their protected natural areas in Iraq? yea
d. Fact 4 - What species are at risk in Iraq? cheetah, goats
e. Fact 5 - Describe "carp" fish. a 300 pound fish
f. Fact 6 - What's gone on in Iraq during the past 15 years? war
g. Fact 7 - What is Iraq's nickname? cradle of civilzation
h. Fact 8 - Who established the first known system of laws? hummbrians
i. Fact 9 - When did Babylonian rule end? 539 a.d.
j. Fact 10 - When did Iraq become an independent country? 1932
k. Fact 11 - What happened to Saddam Hussein? he got captured, exucted for acts against humindity.
l. Fact 12 - True or False: Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations. true
m. Fact 13 - Today, how many Iraqis can read/write? 40
n. Fact 14 - When were Iraq's first democratic elections held? first too.
o. Fact 15 - What does Iraq have the "world's second largest supply of"? oil
p. Fact 16 - What's the official name of Iraq? What is the capital city? How many people live there? republic of iraq
q. Fact 17 - What is Iraq's money called? dinar

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