Friday, August 28, 2009

Indus Game

Sunday, August 23, 2009
WH Blog Assignment # 8

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist? 2600 and 1000 bc.
2. What countries did this civilization spread across? Pakistain, india, afistan
3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered? over 200
4. Which city may have been an important port city? lothal
5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920? harappa
6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean? mound of the dead
7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley? moheenjo-daro 8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take? goods ones
9. What’s significant about “First Street”? it the longest and widest street.
10. What were bricks used for there? to build huse walls
11. Did their houses have drains? yes
12. What were the wells used for? for fresh drikng water
13. What were the narrow drains used for? it allows water tod drain away
14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”? I found a seal.

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