Friday, October 9, 2009


1). Minoans- were the first important european cilization after flood.
2). Dorinas- bariarian invaders.
3). Ionians- many of the myecenaens espaced to asia minor and attica.
4). Hellenes- the greeks of classical times who made great contribtions.
5). Homer- He wrote the iliad and the odyssey.
6). Odyssey- brave greek warrior, who goes on a long journey home after the defeat of troy.
7). Hesiod- a lesser degree the later poet.
8). Zeus- the chief father of the gods, was associed with thunder and lighting.
9). Achilles - the invincible greek warrior.
10). Darius I- the new persian king.
11). Xerxes- darius's son who took over after his father-
12). Leonidas- a spartan leader.
13). Themistocles- a brilliant atheniam, who tricked Xerxes into fighting a navy battle.
14). Draco- he made a code of law.
15. Solon- a noble who was elected archon.
16). Pesistratus- a noblemen aspring to office.
17). Cleisthenes- emerged as the new champion of the common people.
18. Pericles- the statesmen, who brought athenian demorcray to its fullest measure.

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