Friday, October 30, 2009

1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1. messiah- jesus; the anointed one of God
5. Domitian- 2nd great persecution erupted when emporer
9. Marcus aurelius-an ardent hater of chrisitains
13. Irenaeus- pupil of polycarp,and bishop of lyons
17. oreign- christian philisopher from Alexander
21. diocletian,Maximiam- proclaimed themselves "our Lord"
25. Aristides- christian apologist of early chyrch
29. Athanasian-named himself and took his place beside the apostles
33. Theodosies I-only leagal faith,the states of religion of the roman empire

b. Terms (all)
1.synagoues-a place of worship for the jews
2. GENTILES- non jews
3. martyer- killed christians
4. book of revalation- written by john, last book of the bible
5. catacombs-place where christians meet
6.Edict of Milian- legal procetion and recogention to christans.
7. chruch fathers- preachers and teachers.
8. apologist- early christans writers.
9. momarchianism- deined the doctrine of the trinity.
10. Latian vulgat- sprictures out of hedrew and greek in to the bible.
11. creeds- christans stating their belifes.
12. conuil of nicaea, arianism- rejected the teaching of ariansim.
c. Chapter Concepts (#4) 4. because there faith wasnt real it was only to stay alive.

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
1. justinian I- the first great leader of the byantizen.
3. theodora- lovely, intelligent wife of justinan.
5. leo III- the great general respondisable for saving constandconple.
10.. attoman turks- warroiars of centeral asia.

b. Places (#1, 3)
1. byantium, constanconilpe- roman empire.
3. haggia sophia- most famous chruch catheral.

c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
1. christantendom- christanity is the main religon in eurpoe.
3. greece fire- flame thrower.
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

3) Make sure you have finished blog assignments #34 and #35. This is worth 50 pts and is due by Saturday @ midnight.

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