Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12

1) Complete Chapter 12 Section Review 1 plus Identify
2) Post to your blog
3) Find 10 pictures relating to the Middle Ages
4) Post to your blog

1. it was a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
2. a vascal worked for the lord.
3. they were made of stone and bticksthey had moats and a drawbridge.
4. jousting tourments; falcony.
5. pesant farmers, they were poor, ugly.
6. truth of God, and peace of god.


feudalism- a way oof life based upon the ownership and used of land.
king- at the top of th feual system.
crown land- the land of the kings.
knights- heavily armed warrioris, veraging full armor.
chilvary- being nice to women.
heraldry- coat of arms.
manors- estates o that belong to the nobles.
demesnies- the lords fields that serf worked.

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