Friday, December 11, 2009

Complete Chapter 1 Review on page 9

1)Complete Chapter 1 Review on page 9 (including Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7, and Chapter Concepts 1-8).
2) Post to blog.


1. A.D.,B.C.- after death and before christ.
2. evolution - the theory that god didnt create the universe; it happened in the big bang.
3. government- a group of a large group.
4. sovereign- that is, god has supreme group over all nations, rulers, and indiviuals.
5. Deluge- the flood or after the flood.
6.Capital punishment- God established civil government by ordering the death penalty for murder.
7. postdiluvian- post-flood.
8. plain of shinar- where noah's ark had come to rest and settled in lower mesopotamia.
9. babel- city of old babylon.
10. humanism- the worship of man.
11. nation- is a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act as a single enity.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Complete SR 1 on Page 259 plus Identify

Complete SR 1 on Page 259 plus Identify

1. As result of this unrest, the peasants revolts broke out in 1524.
2. Charles V gave the lutherans until 1531 to return to the roman chruch or face war.
3. Augsburg confession.
4. Jesuits
5. started schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Augsurg confession- was the first protestant confession of faith.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

section review 2 chapter 13

1. henry II; he held the territories of anjou and aquataine in france.
2. king john; selfness.
3. one of the most imorpant docements in the history of the world.
4. monfort; 1265
5. edward I.
6. because the independence of scotland began with the victory of bannockburn.
7. Esward I.
8. they unified as a great nation,parliment expanded its powers,representatives came together to form house of commons

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12

1) Complete Chapter 12 Section Review 1 plus Identify
2) Post to your blog
3) Find 10 pictures relating to the Middle Ages
4) Post to your blog

1. it was a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
2. a vascal worked for the lord.
3. they were made of stone and bticksthey had moats and a drawbridge.
4. jousting tourments; falcony.
5. pesant farmers, they were poor, ugly.
6. truth of God, and peace of god.


feudalism- a way oof life based upon the ownership and used of land.
king- at the top of th feual system.
crown land- the land of the kings.
knights- heavily armed warrioris, veraging full armor.
chilvary- being nice to women.
heraldry- coat of arms.
manors- estates o that belong to the nobles.
demesnies- the lords fields that serf worked.

Friday, October 30, 2009

1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1. messiah- jesus; the anointed one of God
5. Domitian- 2nd great persecution erupted when emporer
9. Marcus aurelius-an ardent hater of chrisitains
13. Irenaeus- pupil of polycarp,and bishop of lyons
17. oreign- christian philisopher from Alexander
21. diocletian,Maximiam- proclaimed themselves "our Lord"
25. Aristides- christian apologist of early chyrch
29. Athanasian-named himself and took his place beside the apostles
33. Theodosies I-only leagal faith,the states of religion of the roman empire

b. Terms (all)
1.synagoues-a place of worship for the jews
2. GENTILES- non jews
3. martyer- killed christians
4. book of revalation- written by john, last book of the bible
5. catacombs-place where christians meet
6.Edict of Milian- legal procetion and recogention to christans.
7. chruch fathers- preachers and teachers.
8. apologist- early christans writers.
9. momarchianism- deined the doctrine of the trinity.
10. Latian vulgat- sprictures out of hedrew and greek in to the bible.
11. creeds- christans stating their belifes.
12. conuil of nicaea, arianism- rejected the teaching of ariansim.
c. Chapter Concepts (#4) 4. because there faith wasnt real it was only to stay alive.

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
1. justinian I- the first great leader of the byantizen.
3. theodora- lovely, intelligent wife of justinan.
5. leo III- the great general respondisable for saving constandconple.
10.. attoman turks- warroiars of centeral asia.

b. Places (#1, 3)
1. byantium, constanconilpe- roman empire.
3. haggia sophia- most famous chruch catheral.

c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
1. christantendom- christanity is the main religon in eurpoe.
3. greece fire- flame thrower.
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

3) Make sure you have finished blog assignments #34 and #35. This is worth 50 pts and is due by Saturday @ midnight.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

) Go to
2) Click on "Restricted Nations"
3) Answer the following questions:
What does "restricted nations" refer to? matyrs
Where are most restricted nations? southern middle east.
Give me the names of 6 restricted nations and tell me why they are restricted. india, china, audi arabria, paskistan,turkmenistan.
4) Click on "About VOM". The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.
5) In your own words, tell me what VOM is.a christan oraganztion
6) Navigate the website to find out where VOM offices are stationed around the world.
7) How can you help? pray.
8) Who founded VOM? bVOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ.
9) Search,, and for religious persecution. Find 5 stories about this topic. Post a 1-paragraph summary about each, the headline of the story, and the story link to your blog.
10) Google "christian persecution". Post the first 5 links that come up to your blog.
11) How is the internet being used to help stop Christian persecution globally?
Post this information to your blog.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Complete SR 1 page 143 plus identify

1) Complete SR 1 page 143 plus identify
2) Post answers to your blog
3) Find 5 pictures online of papyrus fragments of the New Testament. (for an example see page 142 in your textbook)
4) Post each to your blog. Be sure to label them.

1. Jesus came to the earth and peached the word and good news to all.
2. Herod the great, ruled.
3. A.D. 100
4. Many people were healed.