Friday, September 25, 2009

4) Scroll through photos 1-6 and answer the following questions. Post your answers to your blog.

a. Tell me what YOU think is going on in each photo (don't look at the caption!):
Photo 1- archisois finding fossils.
Photo 2- women wearing jewlery.
Photo 3 - tourist looking at two lions.
Photo 4 - the big city, nairboi.
Photo 5 - lake vicoria.
Photo 6 - the kenya flag.

5. Now, go back and post the captions for each photo to your blog. Were you close?
Photo 1- people finding fossil in northern kenya.
Photo 2- massi women wearing jewerly.
Photo 3 - tourists looking at lions.
Photo 4 - found in 1889, naboi, the captial.
Photo 5 - kenya lake victoria.
Photo 6 - kenyan flag.

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