Tuesday, September 15, 2009


a. "Introduction" - Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? What did the people believe Pharaoh was? How did they "achieve immortality"? 5,000 years ago. strong rulers.

b. "Dead" - What was embalming? Who did the embalming? What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process? wabet. The men who practice the art of embalming.

c. "Organs Removed" - Which organs were removed? What did they do with them? Your liver, lungs, stomach and intestines are removed through the incision in your stomach and stored in canopic jars.

d. "Get Stuffed" - What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? What did they stuff you with? they were filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.

e. "Tomb Bound" - What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? What was involved in bandaging the body? What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich? It will take 15 days to wrap and need 20 layers of linen bandages. golds, and jewelry.

f. "Coffins Etc" - Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. What went in the coffins with the body? What went in the tomb with the coffin? If you are very wealthy you could have as many as three coffins all fitting snugly inside one another. they would have alot of pic of the gods.

g. "Your Funeral" - What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? Tell me about the procession. you would have your fenferal 70 days after your dead. You will be buried on the western side of the river, where the sun sets.

h. "Eternal Rest" - Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they want? that they would try to rob the tombs and they wanted golds and jewelry.

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