Friday, September 25, 2009

facts or photos

3) Browse through Facts 1-14 and answer the following questions. Post your answers to your blog:

a. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape. keyna has savannas all over africa.
b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital? they live in highlands, nairbri
c. What lies WEST of Nairobi? the land of descrents to the great dift valley.
d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them? rhinos, cheethes, elphants, etc.
e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there? indian ocean and lake victoria.
f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania? the origanal birtplace of humans.
g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s. that they were kinpped and takin as slaves by arabs.
h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there? more than 60.
i. Tell me about the kids & school.
j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture? school are improtant and free.
k. What's the current government of Kenya like? its repbulic
l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages? republic of kenya, and shailli and engish.
m. Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers? kenyan shilling, mau, anti/ghana.

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