Monday, September 14, 2009

Complete Chapter 5 Section Review 3 plus identify

Score; 60. 50

1.30- dynaastines
2. khufu, menkaure
3. genieis 12;15-20
4. persutation of hebrews.
5. hastphapth
6. egypt estabish its empire this period time.
7. became republic, advance egypts interest at any cost.
8. Mubrak, heallied with sudam siddenn.

infentiy- giza- a main city in egypt.
greats sphinx- head of man, body of lion.
twelfth dynasty- est. their cap. at thebes.
hykesos- sheprard kings.
ramsesII- monarch.
alexandria- the great city of alexander the great.
setuagint- old testment in greek.
ptomly- one of his generals and gained control on egypt.
cario- new captial.
suez canal- britsh officers made this.
honsi- he did sadat as the president.

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